David, reading that sentence in one of your articles irritated me so badly, I had to take a break and figure out what the heck had just happened. Now that I’ve sorted myself out, I think it worth reporting.
For the record, I think experience is priceless. Unlike data and statistics, no one can buy experience, trade it, manufacture it, or even steal it. Experience is the father and mother of all human knowledge, and just like our children live and grow, so does knowledge. Just as an infant dies without human care, knowledge will die without human experience to sustain it.
Data is not a frigging G-d and I’m done with people who use data to marginalize and bully people into silence. The data bullies have grown so powerful, people often doubt their own experience is even real, or think they are ab-normal freaks (did I just describe gaslighting?).
Numbers, data, statistics, and AI can never add anything to human knowledge, for they are dead things that cannot experience anything at all.
That’s the long way of saying, write on David, write on.
PS sorry for the rabbit trail, but I’ve got so many in my head they are bound to make an appearance from time to time.