David, I need, and I do mean need, to check my read on this. If my read is off, don’t pull any punches, just straighten me out (please).
From here in Kentucky the Democratic Party leadership’s lackluster support of Stacey Abrams campaign has bothered me something awful. From the media to the party famous, it’s almost like they disappeared her. She should have been front and center, right up there with Reverend Warnock, but I barely heard a word about her. Are you saying the National Democratic Party made another one of their stupid calculations and sacrificed Stacey Abrams?
The Democratic Party very surely sacrificed Charles Booker who is running against Rand Paul here in Kentucky. I worked on Booker’s campaign, and he’s a good man, solid in the experience department and a good politician, but I did not see one sign of support for him, from the National Democratic Party.
As you know, I’ve been doing grassroots work for a very long time. Ever since the 1990s, when Clinton formed his Democratic Leadership Council, the Democratic Party has been a TOP down, not bottoms UP party. The Republicans quickly infiltrated white evangelical churches in rural America and started building a faith-based coalition to fill the void. It was sickening to watch. By 2000, I was so frustrated, I left the Democratic Party and have remained “decline to state” (which is no party at all) ever since. Sh-t. I wrote that last sentence and realized I’ve been politically homeless for almost a quarter century.
As everyone now knows, the Democratic Party lost rural America, which is why were in this awful position now. After the mid-terms die down, its time for some heavy duty thinking.