Creativity has always been America's competitive edge; as creatives we were faster and bolder. As individuals we were empowered by a highly functional government that assured social and economic systems backed us up.
You can't beat diversity in the creative, innovative, entrepreneurial process. Diversity takes many forms, including race, creed, religion, country of origin, parent's backgrounds, rural, urban, poor, rich, middle class, languages spoken at home, hobbies, variety of jobs, reading, study and learning habits, etc.
For example, the famous Jew, refugee and immigrant named Albert Einstein became an American legend. Jews were so hated in America they were refused entry even when Hitler came into power. Today, Americans take great pride in this immigrant. We like to think Einstein was a product of American culture, but that is a lie. Einstein brought the best of German culture with him to America. Einstein's creative capacities seeded, nurtured and developed in Germany, exceeded those of every native born American of his time.
America has had many Einstein-s - some of them born on American soil and some were immigrants. And yet, as Thomas says, we keep putting men in charge of us, based solely on their skin colour and religion.
The results are clearer every day. American has lost her competitive edge. We are reproducers - not producers. We are replicators; we copy - we don't create. We repeat, then repeat and repeat again.
If we want to save this country, we have to stop repeating our mistakes. We need diversity of mind, body, heart and soul.