Comrade, you were schooled. To be schooled, means to learn a lesson the hard way. A stranger remarked on your skin colour and upset you so badly, you were tongue-tied – (shocked into silence). Since you could not think of anything to say, you wrote this article and told everyone here what he said to you.
You want me to believe your teacher is guilty of “racism”. I say he is a great teacher. That man broke through the steel trap in your mind and taught you a lesson – you will not forget.
The next time you see a black person, you will remember your teacher on a bike. A casual encounter with a black person will never be the same for you again. From now on, you will always have tiny nagging doubts about how a black person might perceive you. You might be more careful or more bold, more respectful or more forward, but either way, your teacher on a bike has changed your behaviour.
You won’t admit it, but in the company of a black person, you will think before you speak.