Biden seems healthy, but a wee bit fragile. That said, my confidence in Harris keeps me from worrying about it.
However, Trump’s health problems are visible and disturbing. The widening pores on Trump’s face suggest he’s not getting enough air. His hair is rapidly thinning. He tilts forward when standing still. And his weight is alarming. Trump’s stomach muscles are clearly too weak to carry so much weight and gravity has pulled his stomach fat below his pelvis (which makes bowel movements difficult and messy, and often painful). That much stomach fat also makes it so difficult to urinate, obese men must sit down to pee. When it is difficult to extract the pee shoot to pee, other pee shoot “related activities” are also affected. Trump is not holding rallies, which suggests he is not physically capable of exerting that much energy anymore.
All that said, I watched Sen Hannity’s interview with Gavin Newsome and was surprised at my own reaction. Until I saw a younger man with a solid grasp on governance, I had not realized how old Trump and Biden really are. I’m afraid that both, Trump and Biden, will be gone before the 2028 election.
That's the long way of saying, I agree with you.