Before we move on, a few words on Joe.
When Biden announced Kamala Harris for his VP, most everyone thought it was political “tokenism” at work (you know the game, give the VP to a black person and get black votes). I disagreed, but you can’t prove intentions, and only fools think they can read minds, and so, I hoped, watched and waited.
Just one month after his election, before he was even sworn in, Biden announced Deb Holland as Secretary of the Interior. Americans are overwhelmingly urban and suburban dwellers, even more so in the media, no one cared who ran the interior of our nation. But people, like me, who live in the interior, cared a lot about Holland’s appointment.
During his campaign, Biden said his administration would look like America and by golly, he followed through – from Pete Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation all the way to the Supreme Court (Ketanji Brown Jackson). For the first time in history, a President, by the name of Joe Biden had the guts to put the rich old white men who’d grown up together, gone to school together and worked, schemed and politicked together out to pasture (where they belonged).
But there are always buts and butts…
On June 27, 2024, Biden’s age caught up with him. While we’ve all seen age happen to our loved ones, it breaks our hearts every time.
We will never know if Biden stalled for time, or honestly expected to complete a second term. I happen to think, Biden needed time to get his ducks in a row. Old man Trump is a one man show, and he does not have any ducks to line-up. But Biden did have ducks, he had lots of ducks. and it takes a little time to line up ducks.
Joe did his slow, boring Joe thing, and when he was ready, he set his ducks free – and they took off like lightning bolts.
In a really dark and scary moment, Kamala Harris’s smile lit up our world.
It may seem superficial, and shallow, but if I’ve learned anything in life for sure, it’s this: the only people who can laugh and smile like Kamala Harris, are deeply honest people with nothing to hide.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m following the woman with a smile that shines straight into our future.