3 min readJul 27, 2022


Bebe, I think you have a lovely belief system. Its different, but every bit as lovely as my belief system. We are not alone. The vast majority of human beings have such lovely belief systems, I think it’s fair to say it’s human. I’ve met so few people who have an ugly belief system, I tend to think, they might have something wrong with their brains.

That said, I do not share your beliefs and you do not share mine. I want you to enjoy your beliefs and live them to their fullest. I want the same thing for myself.

People with different beliefs never bothered me before my kids started school. When my little girl came home from kindergarten crying over something said to her about Jesus Christ at school, I was shocked. No one had ever said anything like that to me – ever. For the first time in my life, I cared about other people’s beliefs. I did not care what they believed, I cared about what they did to my five-year-old child. My little girl was not prepared to argue Christianity with a full-grown adult in a position of authority and the power to send her to the principal’s office.

No matter how many times I asked, begged, pleaded, even demanded evangelizing in my children’s classrooms stop, it got worse and worse. By tenth grade, my children were taking summer school classes at the junior college, so they could skip grades. They graduated two years early and started college.

Evangelicals drove hundreds of children out of our schools. They drove teachers out of our school district. They drove families out of churches. They pitted neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend and drove a wedge through the heart of our community and ripped us apart.

Bebe, how would you handle this, how would you feel, what would you think, if people of my faith did this to your children? If people of my faith told your children, they were going to Hell? If people of my faith told your children, they were evil? If people of my faith told our children, your children were evil? If people of my faith, declared your children’s beliefs wrong? If people of my faith, told your children, they did not know G-d? If people of my faith said all this to your children, in front of their entire class? Would your children have cried like mine did? Would your children have been hurt, embarrassed, frightened and confused like mine were? Are you going to tell me, your children’s faith is so strong and pure, this would not have troubled them? Are you going to tell me, this would have strengthened your children’s faith, by proving they were martyrs, or victims, for Christ?

Bebe, evangelicals have been hiding behind Christians and using Christians as a shield to protect themselves from public view. In the last few months, evangelicals have started to come out of hiding. White Nationalists are not Christians and have never been. In public, they call themselves White Christian Nationalists. But only in public.

In private they call themselves White Nationalists. They are a political movement, and they have a long and ugly history. I strongly encourage you to discover their history for yourself.

I suggest you begin, by opening your bible and reading Exodus. Do not have any other gods. Do not make or worship idols. Do not disrespect or misuse God’s name.

The Ten Commandments will teach you how tell the difference between a Christian and a White Nationalist.

I look forward to your thoughts.




Written by Raffey

Rural America is my home. I serve diner, gourmet, seven course, and homecooked thoughts — but spare me chain food served on thoughtless trains of thought.

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