Aubrey - Are you sure you want to give 4-million teachers guns? By the time you’ve armed teachers, you’re asking taxpayers to spend $Billions every year - forever. The cost to buy guns for 4-million teachers would range from $2-Billion to $3.6 Billion. Add another couple $Billion for training, ammunition and maintenance. Add insurance to protect teachers from lawsuits if they shoot, or fail to shoot, someone’s child. Where do you want teachers to keep their guns – in their pocket, a holster, desk drawer or safe? If a gun is in a safe, do you want teachers to run to their safe, or run to lock the classroom door?
Does giving parents guns make them better parents? Does giving doctors guns make them better doctors? Does giving teachers guns make them better teachers? Would giving guns to waiters, politicians, museum docents, bankers, shopkeepers, teenagers, gardeners, millionaires, senior citizens, street cleaners, and nurses make your children safer? Would you feel safer knowing your gardener, mechanic, pastor, and grocery store clerk were armed?
Have you ever seen a truly terrified child? Have you ever been responsible for 20-30 children in an emergency? Have you ever been present during a shooting?
If you really want to arm teachers, I think the only way to do it, safely, is to have 2-years mandatory military service from 18-20 years old for every American.