And then there was the Jubilee in Judaism. An overly simplified overview held that every 50 years (the Jubilee year) people were to return to their own property, debts were cancelled, slaves and servants were freed and people began fresh and new. Note, the Israelites divided land equally among citizens.
And then there was Thomas Paine, pitting natural rights against natural aristocracy. Again overly simplified, Paine held that man-made property laws turned able bodied people into paupers and beggars by depriving them of their G-d given, or natural right, to land that enabled them to feed and clothe themselves and their families.
Paine advocated for a system of compensation, for this taking, or stealing, including at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, as compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance (of land), a comprehensive program of state support for the population to ensure the welfare of society, including state subsidy for poor people, state-financed universal public education, and state-sponsored prenatal care and postnatal care, including state subsidies to families at childbirth. Recognizing that a person's "labor ought to be over" before old age, Paine also called for a state pension to all workers starting at age 50, which would be doubled at age 60.
The 'natural American Aristocracy" came to despise Paine and threw him under the bus.
Just for fun, there are 2.26 Billion acres of land in America. Divided equally between American citizens, that's 646 acres each.