America’s Shitty War

5 min readJan 23, 2023
Image by Raffey

The shitty war had begun. It would get a whole lot shittier before it was over.

Working people had nothing but shit. But Mother Nature and G-d created shit for shitty paid people, so they had an endless supply. Even babies, children, the old and sick contributed a mighty supply — of shit — to the cause.

Trash was cheap too and wouldn’t you just know it, the rich had the greatest trash ever. Bottles, bags and boxes with brand labels, just perfect for wrapping shit up, ready to plant in fancy department stores, boutiques, golf clubs, spas and salons. Poor Tiffany’s got hit first. Next thing you know, no one would open anything in a turquoise bag.

Working shits covered golf courses with shit just for the people above them. From the air “shit” was spelled out on golf courses all across the nation. Folks had to admit, that was fun.

The cops caught a few shit-out-of-luck, shit-planting folks, and put them in jail. Dumb move. In one prison alone, 2,103 inmates dropped their orange britches and a shitty stand-off with guards ensued. Shit won. The cops didn’t jail another poor shit.

Poor shits used to get shit wages for cleaning-up shit. The shitty war put an end to that. There was just way too much shit to clean up and shitty paid workers had a one-track mind on the matter. No unions, organizing or authority was…




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