2015, 2012, 2008, 2000, 1988 rulings make it relevant. These are current events –they are happening in our lives. You and I are alive — not dead.
When people talk about “Systemic-Racism” this is what they’re talking about. We live in a system created by 245 years of law-making and legal rulings, built one on top of another and impacting all that came before it. Inside this system, the roots of “racism” run deep and their tentacles reach into the lives of every American alive today — without exception.
The courts cannot ignore a 150-year-old ruling that is the root of a case being heard today. In 1998, a ruling involving the largest global accounting firm in the world cited PEOPLE v. HALL. In 2000, a ruling involving a corporation cited PEOPLE v. HALL. And again in a 2012 case in Montana. And again in 2015.
I’ll put links below so you can read these recent rulings for yourself. For now two excerpts from recent rulings citing PEOPLE v. HALL.
1988 “It is worth noting, given recent events on the American political stage, that language and attitudes once embodied in a judicial opinion would now lead to the removal of a Governor, and membership in groups adhering to those attitudes could lead to denial of confirmation for high public office.”
2000 “In legitimating this pernicious concept, the court set the stage not only for the cataclysm of the Civil War but for the contentiousness that continues to this day over government’s proper role with respect to race.”
2015 Hong Yen Chang, 60 Cal. 4th 1169
2012 Donaldson v. State, 367 Mont. 228, 292 P.3d 364, 2012 MT 288
2008 Marriage Cases, 43 Cal. 4th 757
2000 Hi-Voltage Wire Works, Inc. v. City of San Jose, 24 Cal. 537 (2000)
1988 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. v. Superior Court , 200 Cal. App. 3d 272